A current listing contract exists between a property owner and a broker. This status is to be used when the property cannot be shown. Property can remain in this status for up to 30 days maximum. TOM will not appear on the Hot sheet.
NOTE: If the listing remains in this status for the full 30 days allowable, the system will maintain the listing to Active automatically. Re-entering TOM after using this status for 30 days would result in a violation.
MARKETING: Temporary Off Market suspends the marketing of the property. The marketing prohibition applies to ALL promotion of the property during the period in TOM status. If a property continues to be advertised, the TOM status may not be applied to the listing.
NOTE: This includes removing the For Sale sign.
SHOWINGS: No showings are allowed while in TOM status. If a showing is scheduled, the TOM status may not be applied to the listing.
DOCUMENTATION: The SELLER is the only individual that can initiate a listing being classified as TOM. As such, any TOM listing will require certification, signed by the seller, indicating their initiation of the TOM status which must accompany any TOM listing in the MLS.
Please be sure to use the most up-to-date version of the listing change notice and attach it to the listing as an associated document.