MLS Reminder: Co-brokerage Arrangements and the MLS

ValleyMLS rules do not allow a listing to be entered with a non-member as a co-lister. However, what if you want to co-list with another member from a different office? What if it’s a member of Greater Alabama MLS? What does it even mean to co-list?
First and foremost, it’s important to remember that anytime an agent is executing a listing agreement, they are doing so on behalf of their broker. The broker owns the listing. Therefore, if there is going to be any other broker also representing this property, both brokers would have to sign off on that arrangement. In other words, agents cannot decide on their own to co-broker listings outside of their own office. 
No agent or brokerage should ever be on an MLS listing without a valid listing agreement in place.
What does it mean to add a co-lister? A co-listing agent shows up in the second listing agent field on the agent full report and would get half of the production credit when the listing closes. A co-lister would also have access to maintain the listing in the same way a listing agent can, as long as they are both members of ValleyMLS.


So how does it work? The broker holding the primary listing agreement would have the listing entered, and the other broker’s agent would be added as the co-lister. Our policies will always hold the primary listing agent accountable for any compliance or data issues, but both agents would receive notices of needed corrections or updates.
What about members of Greater Alabama MLS? If the co-listing brokerage is not a ValleyMLS member, they cannot appear on the listing with the exception of GALMLS members. In this case, you will be able to select the correct person and company as the co-lister, and they will see the listing in their own MLS as well as receive production credit when it closes. However, a GALMLS agent will never have access to maintain a listing inside ValleyMLS and vice versa. It is also important to note, listings have to meet the requirements for the system into which they are entered.
Can both agents enter the same listing? No. One property, one listing. This applies even across the datashare markets, since in most cases, entering the listing into one MLS causes it to appear in both. Entering the same listing in both ValleyMLS and GALMLS will result in a duplicate listing, and the agents will be required to remove one of them.
If you have questions about co-listing or co-brokerage arrangements, please contact your broker or MLS support.