Happening At #HAAR

WCR Derby

HAAR 535 Monroe St., Huntsville, AL, United States

535 Monroe St. Huntsville, AL. 35801 Conference Rm. A,B & C Contact: Women's Council of REALTORS Huntsville President, Laurie Holbert, laurieholbert@gmail.com President-Elect, Kim McDowell, kim@villageofprovidence.com Secretary, Kris Sconiers, krissconiers@kw.com Treasurer, Kim Moon, kmoon@firstbankonline.com Social Media Director, Lauren Battle, laurenbattle@allstate.com Mailing Address 535 Monroe Huntsville AL 35801

RIA In Person & Zoom Meeting

HAAR 535 Monroe St., Huntsville, AL, United States

HAAR ValleyMLS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82943884218?pwd=K05zVFd5K0RCaS9GTWhRMjV6U3hwQT09 Meeting ID: 829 4388 4218 Passcode: 556520 One tap mobile +13126266799,,82943884218#,,,,*556520# US (Chicago) +16468769923,,82943884218#,,,,*556520# US (New […]

NAR Researchers Meeting

HAAR 535 Monroe St., Huntsville, AL, United States

Conference Room C

HAAR/ValleyMLS Closed

HAAR 535 Monroe St., Huntsville, AL, United States


Realtors In Action

HAAR 535 Monroe St., Huntsville, AL, United States

Membership Luncheon

HAAR 535 Monroe St., Huntsville, AL, United States