Women’s History Month Spotlight: Zelda Friedman

Honoring Women's History Month: A Journey of Resilience, Achievement, and Empowerment featuring ValleyMLS Chair Zelda Friedman

Women's History Month Inspiration:

One woman from history who continues to inspire me is Mother Teresa. Her boundless compassion and dedication to serving those in need resonates with me profoundly. To honor her legacy, I actively support local charities through donations and volunteering, believing that even small acts of kindness can make a significant impact on the lives of others.

Zelda's Achievements:

Reflecting on my journey, I’m particularly proud of being namedĀ REALTORĀ® of the YearĀ in 2022, a testament to my dedication and hard work in the real estate industry. Additionally, serving in various roles within HAAR and VALLEYMLS, including HAAR President in 2021, has fostered personal growth and allowed me to forge invaluable friendships and connections.

Challenges and Triumphs:

Like many women in real estate, I’ve faced challenges navigating a traditionally male-dominated field. However, witnessing the positive shift towards more women, REALTORSĀ® gives me hope for a more inclusive future. One personal triumph that stands out is overcoming my initial shyness and stepping into leadership roles, proving to myself and others that with determination, anything is possible.

Words of Wisdom:

To young women aspiring to follow in my footsteps, I offer this advice: set clear goals, seek out mentors, and embrace growth opportunities. Remember to keep the faith, even on the most challenging days. A motto that has guided me through my journey isĀ “Be great today,”Ā a reminder from a dear mentor whose words continue to inspire me.

Supporting Other Women:

I actively support and uplift other women in my industry by serving as a mentor and leader in organizations like the Women’s Council of REALTORSĀ®. Through these connections and collaborations, we can empower each other to reach new heights of success.

Empowering Actions:

Everyone can take one actionable step to contribute to women’s empowerment: being kind and supportive. Encouraging others to be their best selves creates a ripple effect of positivity and empowerment.

Message to the Audience:

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let’s remember the valuable lessons we’ve learned and the wisdom we can share with others. Together, we can create a more inclusive and empowering world for women everywhere.
Here’s to a future filled with inspiration, celebration, and progress!