Women’s History Month Spotlight: Lore Hislop

Empowered in Every Stride: Lore Hislop’s Journey in Real Estate
In the vibrant realm of real estate, Lore Hislop stands as a beacon of resilience and accomplishment. As a REALTOR, Associate Broker, and HAAR President, Lore navigated the demanding world of property dealings gracefully and determinedly.

Admiration for Leadership:

Lore draws inspiration from women who have paved the way, and Condoleezza Rice tops that list with her political ascent marked by poise and humility. The desire to share coffee with Rice and glean advice reflects Lore’s appreciation for strong, accomplished women.

Proud Mother, Fierce REALTOR:

Juggling being a full-time REALTOR while raising four boys as a single mom is no small feat, and Lore takes pride in these daily triumphs. For her, achievements are woven into the fabric of daily life – facing challenges with depleted energy, working after sleepless nights, and navigating a stressful yet rewarding journey.

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Women:

Lore’s advice to younger women echoes the importance of finding a mentor for guidance during tough times. Staying grounded in one’s values is crucial, especially when entering the corporate world. She attributes her strength and resilience to her faith in God, a pillar that has sustained her through trials and triumphs.

Empowered by Sisterhood:

Surrounded by strong women, including four older sisters and her mother, Lore has drawn strength from these relationships. Her enduring friendship of over 23 years with a supportive friend who feels like a sister has added warmth and love to her journey.

Promoting Positivity and Support:

Lore advocates for a positive approach to life, suggesting that supporting women in day-to-day actions is a powerful step toward empowerment. Encouraging forgiveness and treating others as one wishes to be treated contribute to maintaining a positive outlook in the face of challenges.

Discover Your Why:

In her counsel to those starting a new journey, Lore emphasizes the importance of finding one’s “why.” Understanding personal motivation, whether embarking on a new career or seeking a fresh start, leads to a more fulfilling and passionate life. Lore Hislop’s story resonates not only as a successful REALTOR but as a woman who embraces challenges, draws strength from her faith and relationships, and actively supports the empowerment of others. Her journey serves as an inspiring narrative during Women’s History Month, celebrating the remarkable strides of women in diverse fields.