Soon, you will be able to search the Subdivision field in a different manner. Currently, our Subdivision field uses an “Equal to” search. (See more about that at the end of this document). This will soon be replaced with a new Subdivision field, which allows you to search in a broader manner.
So, what does this mean?
More details on using a CONTAINS Search in comparison to an EQUAL TO Search:
Using an EQUAL TO Search Field
When searching the database using the above example, note that you have been required to make a selection from a list of returned values.
The new subdivision search field will allow you to enter a single word, for example “Hampton” to return matches on any listing that contains the word Hampton in the Subdivision field.
Maintaining/Adding Listings
You will still be required to populate the Subdivision/Neighborhood fields on the input form. (NO CHANGE)
The Subdivision “Equal To” field will be replaced by the Subdivision “Contains” field. (Last week of September)
All reports (in the Residential class) will display the new subdivision field data.
Data share Project Update:
This new search option in the subdivision field will be a great tool when searching for a subdivision that is located in ValleyMLS, or if it is a subdivision located in the Greater Alabama MLS.
We continue to make small changes in the database to help you to quickly get to the data you need!
As always, please contact if you have any questions!