New Supra eKey App Release

Supra has announced a new version of the Supra eKEY app has been released. This new version for iOS and Android devices is designed to optimize functionality, improve security, and is the foundation for future enhancements in eKEY. The update is available in the App Store and Google Play.
Device Operating System Requirements:
To function properly, the current eKEY app requires either AppleĀ® iOS 12 (or later) or Android OS 8 (or later) operating system be installed on the userā€™s device.
As a best practice, keyholders should update their deviceā€™s operating system when notified to do so in order to improve the device’s overall performance and to have the latest features.
Important:Ā  Before installing the latest eKEY app, keyholders should assure their phone operating system is current.
eKEY App Updates:
The latest eKEY versions are available for download from the app stores.
If keyholders have automatic app updates turned on, the eKEY app will automatically be pushed to their device. For keyholders that rely on manual app updates, they will need to update their eKEY app by searching for ā€œsupra ekeyā€ in the App Store or Google Play.
If you have any questions, please contact the Supra Liaison Team at 1-800-545-9601 or emailĀ 
Additional resources are available for agents online at

A printable PDF of these instructions can be found by clicking below.