MRP Certification Course Happening Soon

To assist our members in helping military staff and their families buy a new home and relocate, HAAR will offer a Military Relocation Professional (MRP) Certification Course on Monday, June 24th.

When military staff and their families relocate, the services of a real estate professional who understands their needs and timetables makes the transfer easier, faster, and less stressful.

The MRP Certification Course educates Realtors about working with U.S. servicemembers, veterans and their families to find housing solutions that best fit their needs ā€“ and to take full advantage of the benefits and support they have earned through service to our nation.

To earn the MRP certification, members must complete a few basic requirements:

  • Be in good standing with NAR
  • Complete the one-day MRP certification course
  • Complete two one-house webinars
  • Submit certification application and one-time fee of $195

Instructor Larry Carroll will lead the MRP course at HAAR. The cost is $99. For more information, visit the course page by clicking here.