The Huntsville Area Association of Realtors and Supra will hold a Mandatory Key Exchange at HAAR on Tuesday, September 17th and Wednesday, September 18th.
Those who attended our monthly luncheon in June were briefed about and approved the movement from older ActiveKEYs, which are being phased out to the newer, more efficient and easier to use XpressKEYs. We are excited to partner with Supra on this endeavor in our continued mission to provide members with the most advanced resources and newest available technology.
The Supra XpressKEY offers a battery that lasts over a period of seven to nine days, GPS capabilities, alert features, and technical support from Supra every day of the week from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.
The new, advanced Supra XpressKEYs cost an additional $6 per year. As members exchange their older ActiveKEYs for XpressKEYs, that amount will be prorated at 50 cents per month until April 11, 2020.
Please be further advised that, due to a tax requirement change communicated to Supra, they will charge a 9% Alabama state sales tax on activation fees for new members.Ā This fee and tax will not apply to existing members when they exchange their ActiveKEY for an XpressKEY.Ā The cost for Supra’s annual replacement insurance will also change from $25 to $29.95, which is also subject to the 9% Alabama state sales tax.
As with change of any size, we know this will not be welcome news for everybody.Ā We understand that some members are content to keep using their ActiveKEY. However, we believe this will be a positive change for all Realtors, their clients and affiliate members.
If you have any questions about the new XpressKEY or this process, please don’t hesitate to respond to this message, drop by our office, or give us a call at 256.536.3334.
CLICK HERE to download a full schedule of the Supra Key Exchange
CLICK HERE to download the Supra Save the Date Notification