Please find below a recap of the August 25th Huntsville City Council Meeting for HAAR members.
🏠 The following public hearings for housing were held:
Ordinance # 22-476 (Zoning 8.30 acres of land lying on the north side of Hwy 72 and east of Wall Triana Blvd). Approving the zoning would put this property aligned with adjacent properties. (U/C)
Ordinance #22-478 (Zoning 135.09 acres of land lying on the south side of HWY 72 and west of Brian Hill Rd). Eventual housing development for “work force/ attainable housing” and business purposes consistent with the ones surrounding it. (U/C)
Ordinance No. 22-480 (Zoning 8.54 acres of land lying on the south side of Berkley Road and north of Pembrook Pond Place Road). Expansion of existing neighborhood.
Ordinance #22.482 (Zoning 4.86 acres of land lying on the south side of Hardiman Road and East of Sergers Road) Housing near major employer for region.