Board Treasurer Isaac Winkles presented 2019 budget revisions to members in attendance at the HAAR monthly luncheon last week. Approved by the Board of Directors in May, the revised budget represents growth that exceeded everyone’s expectations both in our organization and throughout North Alabama at large.
Work begins on budget projections nine months before the plan is implemented. In April, preparation work begins. In July, budgets are presented to HAAR’s Finance Committee. In August, projections go before the Board of Directors. Finally, in October, budgets are revealed to our full membership.
Because of the extended lead time required in budget planning and implementation, revisions are typically required to ensure new funds are allocated efficiently and in a manner that is timely and the most beneficial to HAAR members. With an increase in enrolled membership, we have seen more income that will be put to use to bring a higher level of service and support to members through an expanded staff, outreach efforts and communications programs.
The Huntsville Area Association of Realtors is a Best-in-Class Realtor Association with a mission to inform, influence and empower a thriving real estate market by focusing on education, advocacy and connections.