If you or someone you know is interested in serving as an officer for the Huntsville Area Association of REALTORS®, please follow the link below for the application packet.
Open officer positions next year are President-Elect and Vice President. Applications for these positions must be received before August 20th at 11:00 a.m.
The Qualifications and Recommendations Committee will meet Friday, August 20th at 10am to interview officer candidates. A digital application and photo is now required for any nominee. Please click on the link below for the application packet.
Voting for 2022 President-Elect and Vice President will open at 9am on Friday, October 1st and close Monday, October 4th at 5pm. Messages will be sent to membership to remind them to vote during that time.
Nominations are open to primary and secondary HAAR members. Please note that you must first create an account, then log-in to that account using the credentials you set to fill out an application.
2021 Qualifications and Recommendations Committee Members: Cindi Peters-Tanner (chair), Sha Jarboe, Valerie Miles, Kathy Mann, Bill Stewart, Monica Sanford, and Kim Coyne.
If you have any questions regarding upcoming nominations, please contact Cindi Peters-Tanner at cindi@maryellenpeters.com.
If you have any questions regarding the HAAR election process, please contact Election Workgroup chair Bill Ward bill@billwardteam.com.