2024 Officer & Director Applications NOW OPEN

The application period for 2024 Officer and Director nominations is NOW OPEN through Friday, August 11th at 5pm.

Candidates will be announced by the elections committee before voting opens on September 29th. Positions open for nomination are:

šŸ  2024 President-elect
šŸ  2024 Vice President ā€‹
šŸ  2024-2026 HAAR Board of Directors (two open seats)ā€‹
šŸ  2024-2026 ValleyMLS Board of Directors (two open seats)ā€‹

Please note that HAAR Board of Directors passed recommendations from the Elections Workgroup in 2022, clarifying eligibility and streamlining the nomination process:

šŸ  NOMINATIONS FOR MULTIPLE OFFICES: A member shall choose only one seat to run for during any single election. For example, a member will not be permitted to be on the ballot for both an officer and a director position.
šŸ  PETITIONING: In the event that a member is not chosen to be on the ballot by the election committee, the member may petition to be added to the ballot. No more than 25% of the required 20% of membership required to make it onto the ballot shall be from any single firm. Petition results will not be allowed to override minimum eligibility standards.
šŸ  PRESIDENT-ELECT ELIGIBILITY: In order to run for president elect, a member must have one year of officer experience as treasurer or VP for at least one of the last 3 years before they are eligible to be on the ballot.
  • A member applying for an officer position must have served on the HAAR or ValleyMLS Board of Directors.
  • Any member applying for a Director position must have volunteered on a committee or workgroup for at least one full year out of the prior three years.
  • A member must be in good standing with both HAAR and ValleyMLS to serve on a committee or workgroup