Nominate a Colleague for Affiliate of the Year, State Awards

To nominate a colleague for an award, email Keisha Tibbs at with their name, contact information, and the award for which you are nominating them.

The deadline to nominate a colleague for awards is Friday, July 1 at 5pm.


In 2021, HAAR introduced the Good Neighbor Award to recognize local Realtors® who have made an extraordinary impact on their community through volunteer work. These efforts include work within the association through groups like Realtors in Action as well as others outside of HAAR. The HAAR Good Neighbor Award winner is determined by the association’s Awards Committee.


In June 1984, the Board of Directors passed a resolution calling for the annual recognition of a member for his or her contribution to and participation in education programs and activities. In July 1991, the Board voted to name this award the Arthur B. Pope Education Achievement Award, as a fitting memorial to this past AAR President who so strongly advocated REALTOR® education.

An established point system, which is annually reviewed by AAR’s Professionalism Trustees, is used to determine a member’s participation in and contribution to real estate education programs and activities. All activities for which points are awarded must occur during this qualification period.

AAR’s Professionalism Trustees will determine each year’s recipient of the award.  The recipient of the Arthur B. Pope Education Achievement Award will be announced during the awards ceremony at the AAR Annual Meeting.


The Robert Jemison Award is given in honor of Robert Jemison Jr., the first Alabama REALTOR® to serve as president of NAR in 1926.  It recognizes the long and valued association service of REALTORS® or REALTOR ASSOCIATES® for a minimum of fifteen years to the Alabama Association of REALTORS® and their local board, and who have never served as AAR President, President-elect, Treasurer or Secretary.

ll REALTORS® who have never served as an elected state association officer are eligible candidates.  Forms are printed in tabloid and mailed to local boards.  This award may be given to more than one person each year.  The winner(s) will be chosen by the Awards Task Force.


This award is given in honor of David D. Roberts, Sr., a distinguished Alabama REALTOR® who served as president of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® in 1985. It recognizes the REALTOR® who has contributed greatly to Alabama REALTORS®, National Association of REALTORS®, and his or her local board/association over a period of at least twenty years. Any REALTOR® is eligible for nomination except for those who (1) comprise the incumbent Alabama REALTORS® Executive Committee or (2) are their local board/association’s current nominee for Alabama REALTOR® of the Year.

To nominate a colleague for any of the above awards, email Keisha Tibbs at with their name, contact information, and the award for which you are nominating them.